Tuberculosis In The News - TB

If you have watched any bit of news lately you more than likely have heard the subject of Tuberculosis come up.  Tuberculosis is often referred to as TB.  Many Americans have fear of this disease especially lately since there have been some known cases in the news so much. Should Americans be worried about TB?

Did you know that Tuberculosis is the most common infectious disease in the world today? 

What is it?  Where does it come from?  These are great questions to ask...

Read more: Tuberculosis In The News - TB

It All Started With The Big Bertha


Golf Clubs Review Big Bertha Think of all the new gadgets that have come along over the last 25 years.  Remember when people first had car phones that were huge!  Now people carry around the little tiny phones.  How things have changed and improved.


USA Today is now 25 years old.  They did an article about 25 different inventions that changed our lives.  Well, one of them was the Big Bertha Oversized driver and woods.  For any of you young golfers out there who have only hit the enormous sized woods that we play today you can not really appreciate Callaway Big Bertha as much.  But for those of you with just a few more years under your belt, you can remember the days of hitting those small headed woods.  If you handed one of those to a young teenage golfer today they would probably laugh at you just like they would over the bag phones! Yep, the Big Bertha changed golf forever.  

Read more: It All Started With The Big Bertha

What Makes Us Smile? Comedy is Cultural

Ten Humorous Thoughts to Ponder

What's funny to you? I smiled at five of these. On a Monday or a Tuesday, that can be a very important thing. Go ahead. You can smile at a few, too.

Number 10

Life is sexually transmitted.

Number 9

Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

Read more: What Makes Us Smile? Comedy is Cultural

The Lesser Known Murphy's Laws

The Birth of Murphy's Law

In the post-World War II era, Captain Edward A. Murphy found himself immersed in Air Force Project MX981. The project aimed to determine the maximum deceleration a person could endure during a crash. Little did he know this endeavor would birth a universal truth we now call Murphy's Law.

One day, while inspecting the project, Murphy noticed wiring issues created by a technician. Frustrated, he remarked, "If there is any way to do it wrong, he'll find it." A nearby project manager, keen on collecting a list of laws, overheard this statement and added it to his collection. Soon, it became the mantra for the entire project and eventually found its way into the public domain after being used in a press conference.

Read more: The Lesser Known Murphy's Laws

How To Talk Southern

As a "Yankee" transplant from upstate New York, now living south of the Mason/Dixon line, I regularly have my vocabularly expanded by native southerners.  I'm compiling a list of things learned - or relearned abut the uniquely colorful southern ways to turn a phrase.

Life in the Southern United States

I now know that...

Read more: How To Talk Southern