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Margaret Ross, Kamaron Institute founder was recently featured in Associated Press news story about teen violence.
One young man had a history of depression and drug abuse. Another was said to closely follow the Columbine case and reject help from counselors. And a fight at school appears to have provoked a third.Three shooting rampages in a one-week span have refocused attention on troubled youth: a 19-year-old man opened fire at a Nebraska mall, killing eight people and himself; a 24-year-old man killed four people at a megachurch and a missionary training school in Colorado and then killed himself; and two gunmen who wounded six students at a school bus stop in Nevada, following a fight about a girl....
Margaret Ross - Teens Have Poor coping skills
A troubled child may be unable to cope with frustration, disappointment or stress, manifesting into anger or severe depression, says Margaret Ross, President and Founder of the Kamaron Institute.
"The reaction is larger than the situation and it's regularly larger than the situation," she says. "There are no small deals. There's only big deals."
Depression If your child is isolating himself, puts himself down and talks about feeling hopeless, like the world is out to get him, these are all signs he is depressed. Males are more likely to act out their depression in a violent way than females, Margaret Ross says....
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